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There are many sebaceous glands that open to eyelashes. When the mouths of the eyelash bottoms are blocked, the secretion accumulated behind becomes the cyst. This cystic deposition is called chalazion.

The first treatment is medical. The first treatment consists of antibiotic-steroid combination drops and ointments and hot dressing of the eyelids. In more advanced cases, treatment can be provided by injecting cortisone into the mass. However, this method is not very high chance of success is not preferred. After these treatment options, the procedure is surgical.

Surgical treatment lasts 5-10 minutes. First, the eye on the affected side is numbed with drug drops and drug injections are applied to the chalazion area. Following local anesthesia during the operation, the eyelid is inverted and the intervention is applied to the inner part of the lid. In this way, there are no signs of external appearance.