Presbyopia, which is the problem of vision due to the decrease in the flexibility of the lens within the eye with the progression of age, was an eye disease that could not be solved in our age yet. People in the community did not want to wear close glasses while reading newspapers, ordering, reviewing menus or using their mobile phones. For many years, close glasses or contact lenses have been used to correct this problem. Another rapidly developing option in recent years is laser presbyopia treatment: SUPRACOR
Is SUPRACOR; It is an excimer laser procedure that can provide correction of presbyopia after 40 years of age. In the supracor, the cornea is reshaped by applying an excimer laser to the outer surface of the eye (cornea) and near vision (presbyopia) is corrected. In near vision (Presbyopia) surgery, supracor is safer than other refractive surgical procedures.
The purpose of supracor treatment; newspaper-book, restaurant menu, computer or mobile phone you encounter in your daily life without glasses and sewing blurred vision in sewing problems is to improve your eyesight. Supracor is a safe and effective method of correcting both distant and near vision in one session without distortion.
SUPRACOR is applied to both eyes. It is applied in hyperopia, myopia and eyes without refraction (emetropia) as well as after LASIK treatment. Supracor corrects both distant and near vision in one session without disturbing distant vision. In laser-corrected near vision disorders other than supracor, unwanted aberrations (deviations) occur in the pupil area and distant vision deteriorates, while this method corrects near vision without creating unwanted deviations.
Some criteria are being sought for supracor treatment in patients. These are determined by inspection and measurements. Supracor treatment can be applied to any eye that is compatible with Lasik method. The patients who cannot be treated with supracor include diseases such as dry eye, cataract, thin cornea, glaucoma, keratoconus as in lasik candidates. In addition, supracor treatment cannot be performed in cases that interfere with the laser procedure such as pregnancy, rheumatic or severe metabolic disease.